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29 Mar 2024

Впервые в Республике Таджикистан, ОО «Таджикистанская сеть женщин живущий с ВИЧ» смогла повлиять на политику министерств и ведомств в рамках Конвенции “о ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин”.

The NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" within the framework of the periodic report "on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women", in 2018 prepared the second report and participated in the Press Session of the CEDAW Committee on 03/12/2018 in Geneva. (the first report of the NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" was in 2013).

As part of its activities, the NGO also monitored the implementation of the CEDAW Committee's recommendations for the first report. Also, within the framework of implemented projects, from 2013 to 2017, she conducted a number of surveys, analyses and studies. Based on the results of research and analysis of the situation, as well as on the results of activities within the framework of projects that covered more than 3,000 PLHIV and also public service providers, a report on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Living with HIV and Women from Affected Groups was prepared and submitted to the committee.

In preparing this report, the results of the implementation of projects in partnership with government agencies were taken into account: the Republican AIDS Center and the urban AIDS Centers of Dushanbe Khatlon and Sogd and ROO EFCA-Tajikistan, ROO AFEW-Tajikistan, NGO "Imdodi Gayrat", also with the financial support of PSI-Tajikistan USAID, UNDP, UNAIDS, OOH Women.

In March, before the press conference, the NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" held a round table with the participation of representatives of all ministries and departments of the Republic of Tatarstan and also representatives of the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ombudsman. As a result of the discussion, the Report was officially sent to all ministries and departments with the questions that were voiced at the Round Table.

Recently, the ministries and departments of the Republic of Tatarstan began to officially respond to the questions and recommendations raised within the framework of the Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Living with HIV and women from affected groups to the committee.

В письмах министерств и ведомств отчитались о выполнение обязательств в рамках «Национальной стратегии по профилактики и борьбе с ВИЧ/СПИД на 2017-2020 гг», рекомендаций комитета CEDAW-2013 г., и также готовности к сотрудничеству в устранение существующих проблем и препятствий по защите прав женщин живущих с ВИЧ .

Уполномоченный по правам человека (Омбусмен) в своем письме, особое внимание обратил на выполнения обязательств Республики Таджикистан в рамках международных соглашений ратифицированных Таджикистаном по искоренение дискриминации , насилия в отношении Женщин живущих с ВИЧ. Также в письме Омбусмена отображено, мониторинг в учреждениях исполнения уголовного наказания.

В целом, в первые в РТ, ОО «Таджикистанская сеть женщин живущих с ВИЧ», смогла повлиять на политику министерств и ведомств в рамках Конвенции “о ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин” до рассмотрения полного отчета и также предоставлением рекомендаций Комитетом.

Общественная организация Таджикистанская сеть женщин живущих с ВИЧ еще раз благодарить все наших партнеров из числа государственных учреждений: Республиканский центр СПИД и городские Центры СПИД Душанбе Хатлон и Согд и РОО ФЕЦА-Таджикистан, РОО AFEW-Таджикистан, ОО «Имдоди Гайрат» , также международных доноров PSI-Таджикистан USAID, UNDP, UNAIDS, OOH Женщин.


29 Mar 2024
Despite the fact that attitudes towards HIV infection have been revised in the world for a long time, in Tajikistan people living with HIV face difficulties in finding a job, they have problems with education and even treatment in ordinary polyclinics is sometimes impossible for them if they reveal their status.
The story of Nigina
Six years ago, during pregnancy, Nigina (name changed) was diagnosed with HIV. Since then, she has constantly faced various difficulties and discrimination.

She believes that she was infected by her husband, who was in labor migration in Russia, although he denies this, accusing her of treason.

"My husband has been a migrant worker for many years. When he came to Tajikistan for the last time, I became pregnant with my second child. During the examination, I was diagnosed with HIV. The doctors said that my husband should also be examined, but he did not agree, accusing me of cheating, and saying that I infected him. I tried to explain to him that I had done nothing wrong and that I did not know how I had infected
Tajik society lives by old stereotypes about HIV/AIDS
According to the Republican Center for Combating the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, 732 new cases of HIV infection were registered in the country in the first nine months of 2021.

In total, according to the data presented in the National HIV Response Program/AIDS for 2021-2025, the total number of officially registered HIV cases in Tajikistan for 2020 was 11,986 people, of whom 7,698 (64.1%) were men and 4,288 (35.8%) were women.

Tahmina Khaidarova, head of the Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV NGO, believes that despite globalization and a huge amount of information, Tajik society still lives by old stereotypes and stigmatizes people living with HIV.

"Old stereotypes of stigma and discrimination, such as "HIV is the plague of the 21st century" (although HIV is a manageable disease and does not pose a threat to society), "HIV is a disease of promiscuous people" (sex workers)
"As we can see, there is no such reason for violation of rights as a state of health. And in principle, in matters of liability for discrimination, this list should not be limited. This is also noted by the UN Human Rights Committee in its concluding observations to Tajikistan in 2019," the lawyer says.
"Article 17 of the Constitution and other legislative acts guarantees the equality of all people before the law and the exercise of their rights without discrimination on a number of grounds. The UN Human Rights Committee draws attention with concern to the fact that the existing legal framework does not provide comprehensive protection against discrimination on all grounds prohibited under the Covenant," Alexandrova notes.

There is a general criminal liability for violation of the right to work in Article 153 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tatarstan "Violation of labor legislation," she reports.
"Knowingly unlawful dismissal of a person from work, failure to comply with a court decision on reinstatement to a previous job, as well as other intentional substance
29 Mar 2024

Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin as her husband. She rarely saw her husband, who worked in another country and returned home to Tajikistan for short visits once a year. When her little daughter became seriously ill and died, she hoped to get pregnant again to ease the pain of loss. During a medical examination, she was diagnosed with HIV infection. Her husband died soon after due to AIDS. Today, Ms. Khaidarova is the Director of the Network of Women Living with HIV in Tajikistan (TNW Plus), which trains women on HIV-related issues, fights for their rights and tries to break the vicious circle of stigma against women living with HIV. She overcame self-stigma and became a leader in the fight for the rights of women living with HIV in Tajikistan.

Ms. Khaidarova explains that women, even knowing about the risk of HIV infection from their migrant husbands, often cannot talk to them about using a condom. "I understand how serious the problem is, but I can't ask my husband to use a condom, he won't understand," one woman told Ms. Khaidarova. Women living with HIV in Tajikistan tell their stories of discrimination. About how they can be expelled from their home by their in-laws, and they may be prohibited from seeking medical services, including antiretroviral therapy and treatment for tuberculosis. They are also often subjected to domestic violence by their husband, who may kick them out of the house with their children. In the event of the death of their husband, they may be subjected to violence and ill-treatment by his family, especially in rural areas. When women living with HIV seek help, they may face a new problem - stigma and discrimination from health workers. Go women

"I told my story to help women who are facing the same problems today. I firmly believe that together we can break the vicious cycle of stigma against women living with HIV in Tajikistan. We have to cope with our own fear in order to fight stigma and discrimination in society," Khaidarova said.

Read more:

29 Mar 2024
Today is June 1st – Children's Day. On this day, it is especially important to remind that a lot of things in a child's life depend on adults: he is defenseless before the realities of life and needs constant care and support.
Children with HIV infection are the most vulnerable group. Every HIV-positive child requires special attention and efforts for monitoring, treatment and psychosocial support, in order to preserve his health, on an equal basis with other children, and the child's full adaptation to society.


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The General meeting of the Gulkhani Mahalla Committee of the Hisor rural Jamoat Within the framework of the project "Creation of a conditional for the implementation of projects ...
Within the framework of the project of the NGO Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV "Decriminalization of HIV through empowerment of young women and girls living with HIV in the ...
Within the framework of the project of the NGO Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV "Decriminalization of HIV through empowerment of young women and girls living with HIV in the ...
Within the framework of grants from the EFCA-Tajikistan project "Activation of civil society organizations as actors in the field of management, reporting and implementation of ...
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin as her husband. She rarely saw her husband, who worked in ...

They write about us:

 29 March 2024
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin ...
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
Decriminalization of HIV by empowering young women living with HIV in Tajikistan was discussed during the round table. ...
Decriminalization of HIV by empowering young women living with HIV in Tajikistan was discussed during the round table. ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
"We are for a world where there is no discrimination against girls, where there is no early marriage, equal access to ...
"We are for a world where there is no discrimination against girls, where there is no early marriage, equal access to ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
We have been cooperating with the NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" since 2013. Within the framework of ...
We have been cooperating with the NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" since 2013. Within the framework of ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
This year, Tajikistan adopted a concept for the development of productive employment for the period up to 2040. ...
This year, Tajikistan adopted a concept for the development of productive employment for the period up to 2040. ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
GU AIDS Center in the city of Hissar, closely cooperates with the NGO “Tajik Network of Women, living with HIV” ...
GU AIDS Center in the city of Hissar, closely cooperates with the NGO “Tajik Network of Women, living with HIV” ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
In Tajikistan, the majority of women with HIV are exposed to domestic violence and discrimination in society, the ...
In Tajikistan, the majority of women with HIV are exposed to domestic violence and discrimination in society, the ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
Despite the fact that attitudes towards HIV infection have been revised in the world for a long time, in Tajikistan ...
Despite the fact that attitudes towards HIV infection have been revised in the world for a long time, in Tajikistan ...
29 March 2024


- Social worker -
- social worker -
- HIV Project Coordinator -
- Program Coordinator -
- Assistant Manager -
- Assistant Manager -