

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus,

29 Mar 2024
The Republican public organization "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" within the framework of the project "Partnership for improving the quality of life of adolescents living with HIV and expanding their opportunities by connecting to the existing peer platform in the EECA region - "Teenergizer", funded by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in the Republic of Tajikistan.
29 Mar 2024
Today, with the support of the Muzaffar Foundation, JUVENTUS Academy, the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan in the Sino district of Dushanbe, and ROO HOA+, with the involvement of activists of the TINERGIZER project funded by UNICEF in Tajikistan, a friendly match was organized to reduce stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV, especially children and teenagers.
28 Mar 2024

The General meeting of the Gulkhani Mahalla Committee of the Hisor rural Jamoat Within the framework of the project "Creation of a conditional for the implementation of projects of public organizations to provide comprehensive support to vulnerable groups of the population and their family members in the context of the Covid19 Pandemic" with financial support from the Open Society Institute of the Assistance Fund –Tajikistan, the Republican public Organization "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" She began to implement a project to support migrant workers' families to mitigate the economic consequences of the Covid19 pandemic.

28 Mar 2024

Within the framework of the project of the NGO Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV "Decriminalization of HIV through empowerment of young women and girls living with HIV in the Republic of Tajikistan", funded by the US Embassy in Tajikistan, under the Grant Program of the Democracy Foundation, a training on the topic "National and international norms protecting the rights of PLHIV". The NGO Tajikistan Network of Women Living with HIV expresses its gratitude to IOGV Bokhtar for assistance in conducting the training.


Videos about our activities:
The General meeting of the Gulkhani Mahalla Committee of the Hisor rural Jamoat Within the framework of the project "Creation of a conditional for the implementation of projects ...
Within the framework of the project of the NGO Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV "Decriminalization of HIV through empowerment of young women and girls living with HIV in the ...
Within the framework of the project of the NGO Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV "Decriminalization of HIV through empowerment of young women and girls living with HIV in the ...
Within the framework of grants from the EFCA-Tajikistan project "Activation of civil society organizations as actors in the field of management, reporting and implementation of ...
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin as her husband. She rarely saw her husband, who worked in ...

They write about us:

 29 March 2024
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin ...
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
Decriminalization of HIV by empowering young women living with HIV in Tajikistan was discussed during the round table. ...
Decriminalization of HIV by empowering young women living with HIV in Tajikistan was discussed during the round table. ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
"We are for a world where there is no discrimination against girls, where there is no early marriage, equal access to ...
"We are for a world where there is no discrimination against girls, where there is no early marriage, equal access to ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
We have been cooperating with the NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" since 2013. Within the framework of ...
We have been cooperating with the NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" since 2013. Within the framework of ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
This year, Tajikistan adopted a concept for the development of productive employment for the period up to 2040. ...
This year, Tajikistan adopted a concept for the development of productive employment for the period up to 2040. ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
GU AIDS Center in the city of Hissar, closely cooperates with the NGO “Tajik Network of Women, living with HIV” ...
GU AIDS Center in the city of Hissar, closely cooperates with the NGO “Tajik Network of Women, living with HIV” ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
In Tajikistan, the majority of women with HIV are exposed to domestic violence and discrimination in society, the ...
In Tajikistan, the majority of women with HIV are exposed to domestic violence and discrimination in society, the ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
Despite the fact that attitudes towards HIV infection have been revised in the world for a long time, in Tajikistan ...
Despite the fact that attitudes towards HIV infection have been revised in the world for a long time, in Tajikistan ...
29 March 2024


- Social worker -
- social worker -
- HIV Project Coordinator -
- Program Coordinator -
- Assistant Manager -
- Assistant Manager -