29 Mar 2024
Sofia Kudratova, 16 years old.
Hello everyone, friends!
I want to tell you about my vision of a world without violence, which I tried to show in my drawing. This is how I see a world without violence in my dreams...
29 Mar 2024
The purpose of the Conference, organized by the Health Advocacy Coalition with the support of the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and UNAIDS, is to establish a dialogue between communities, government organizations and international organizations to jointly find ways to improve the quality of data obtained as a result of community monitoring and their legitimacy in order to become part of national monitoring and evaluation systems at the state level.
29 Mar 2024
In today's world, not everyone is at risk of HIV infection. This can happen in labor migrations, on business trips, and also during a flight.
To prevent and identify risks, we have developed a mobile application "Find out your status".
This mobile app tests you for lifestyle compliance and shows the risk level of infection.
Also in the mobile application you can find links to AIDS Centers in the Republic of Tatarstan, information about HIV /AIDS and transmission.
You can download the applications with the specified links in the booklet.
In the modern world, not everyone is immune from the risk of HIV infection. This can happen during labor migration, during business trips, as well as during blood transfusion.
To prevent and determine the level of risk, we have developed a mobile application "Find out your HIV status".
This mobile application checks your behavior and shows the level of risk of infection.
The mobile application also contains the address of AIDS control centers in the Republic of Tajikistan, information about HIV/AIDS and transmission routes.
You can download the application from the link provided in the booklet.
29 Mar 2024
On October 14, 2022, within the framework of the project "Decriminalization by empowering young women living with HIV in the Republic of Tajikistan", with the support of the US Embassy Small Grants Program, a round table was held on the topic "Decriminalization of HIV - the results of the activities of public organizations for 2022".
The round table was attended by representatives of the Republican Center for HIV Prevention and Control/AIDS, public and international organizations working in the field of HIV prevention and treatment/AIDS, human rights organizations and also a representative of the National Coordinating Committee for HIV Prevention and Control/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in the Republic of Tajikistan.
Within the framework of the round table, Zukhra Nurlyaminova, representative of the Republican Center for HIV Prevention and Control/AIDS presented the topic "The epidemiological situation of HIV in Tajikistan". During the presentation, she noted that despite the intensive work carried out by government agencies, public and international organizations, recent research shows that the level of knowledge of young people aged 15-49 on HIV has decreased and this has a very bad effect on HIV prevention and control/AIDS. She also noted that this year one of the main indicators is HIV prevention among infants, in this direction there were difficulties in supplying reagents for earlier diagnostics, tests and test tubes for the laboratory. She noted that year after year there is an increase in HIV among migrants and it is necessary for public and international organizations to pay attention to this.
Next, Tahmina Khaidarova presented the results of the project "Decriminalization by empowering young women living with HIV in the Republic of Tajikistan".
The project was aimed at solving the following tasks:
-The risk of PLHIV becoming criminally liable under Articles 125 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tatarstan
-Awareness of law enforcement officials, decision makers at the local level, international standards protecting the rights of people living with HIV
-Awareness of PLHIV with national norms protecting the rights of PLHIV in order to prevent falling under Article 125 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tatarstan
-Case management and situation monitoring
Short-term project results:
-60 representatives of law enforcement agencies represented by (district inspectors) in Sughd, Khatlon region, Dushanbe and RCE increased their knowledge in the field of : human rights, problems of stigma, discrimination and violence related to HIV and about international norms in the field of protection of the rights of PLHIV, which assist in the prevention of the opening of criminal cases against PLHIV Article 125, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tatarstan.
-60 People living with HIV from among activists, equal counselors and social workers have increased their knowledge of national and international regulations protecting the rights of PLHIV and are advising key groups as part of their activities to prevent the opening of criminal cases against PLHIV under Article 125 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tatarstan.
-104 cases related to the violation of the rights of PLHIV were registered and more than 350 services (legal and psychological counseling, legal assistance and social support) were also provided
The Round table was attended by representatives of other public organizations who presented their activities within the framework of HIV Decriminalization/AIDS in Tajikistan.
Mehriddin Kholmurzaev, representative of the NGO "Center for Human Rights", presented activities within the framework of HIV decriminalization/AIDS and emphasized the need to humanize the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tatarstan, Article 125 part 1. During the discussion, the participants noted that the development of modern technologies and HIV treatment/AIDS allows PLHIV to have a family, a healthy child and a safe life for others.
As part of the Round Table, Elenea Saidovna, a representative of the NGO SPIN+, presented work within the framework of the REAct program in Tajikistan. She noted that REAct is a powerful tool for collecting the data needed to support change. This is important because each documented case adds to the growing body of evidence, shedding light on hate crimes that often go unnoticed.
Since January 2020, the organization has been working under the REAct program in Tajikistan, seven NGOs in eight cities registered more than 600 cases in 2022. Commenting on the statistics of registered cases, she noted that there are 501 cases in which the victims are PLHIV and in 275 cases there is direct discrimination due to HIV status. Also, when presenting the main perpetrators of violations against PLHIV, she noted that: "A large proportion of cases involving private individuals (relatives, sexual partner, client of a sex worker, etc.) is explained by the highest level of stigma and discrimination at the domestic level. Stigma promoted by the state, criminalization, existing myths and stereotypes contribute to the spread of humiliating treatment, violence at the level of the inner circle."
At the end of the round table, all participants came to the conclusion that the efforts of public and international organizations, government agencies to decriminalize HIV/AIDS should continue until amendments are made and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Tajikistan is humanized in relation to People living with HIV.


Videos about our activities:
The General meeting of the Gulkhani Mahalla Committee of the Hisor rural Jamoat Within the framework of the project "Creation of a conditional for the implementation of projects ...
Within the framework of the project of the NGO Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV "Decriminalization of HIV through empowerment of young women and girls living with HIV in the ...
Within the framework of the project of the NGO Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV "Decriminalization of HIV through empowerment of young women and girls living with HIV in the ...
Within the framework of grants from the EFCA-Tajikistan project "Activation of civil society organizations as actors in the field of management, reporting and implementation of ...
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin as her husband. She rarely saw her husband, who worked in ...

They write about us:

 29 March 2024
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin ...
Tahmina Khaidarova got married in accordance with the cultural traditions of her family — her parents chose her cousin ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
Decriminalization of HIV by empowering young women living with HIV in Tajikistan was discussed during the round table. ...
Decriminalization of HIV by empowering young women living with HIV in Tajikistan was discussed during the round table. ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
"We are for a world where there is no discrimination against girls, where there is no early marriage, equal access to ...
"We are for a world where there is no discrimination against girls, where there is no early marriage, equal access to ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
We have been cooperating with the NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" since 2013. Within the framework of ...
We have been cooperating with the NGO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HIV" since 2013. Within the framework of ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
This year, Tajikistan adopted a concept for the development of productive employment for the period up to 2040. ...
This year, Tajikistan adopted a concept for the development of productive employment for the period up to 2040. ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
GU AIDS Center in the city of Hissar, closely cooperates with the NGO “Tajik Network of Women, living with HIV” ...
GU AIDS Center in the city of Hissar, closely cooperates with the NGO “Tajik Network of Women, living with HIV” ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
In Tajikistan, the majority of women with HIV are exposed to domestic violence and discrimination in society, the ...
In Tajikistan, the majority of women with HIV are exposed to domestic violence and discrimination in society, the ...
29 March 2024
 29 March 2024
Despite the fact that attitudes towards HIV infection have been revised in the world for a long time, in Tajikistan ...
Despite the fact that attitudes towards HIV infection have been revised in the world for a long time, in Tajikistan ...
29 March 2024


- Social worker -
- social worker -
- HIV Project Coordinator -
- Program Coordinator -
- Assistant Manager -
- Assistant Manager -